Frith Resource Management donates over £3,500 to good causes

A Shropshire based environmental consultancy Frith Resource Management (FRM), is celebrating a year of donations having given over £3,500 to a range of good causes via its social value fund. The fund was established to donate to local causes, environmental groups and communities and has expanded significantly over the last few years.

FRM donated to the local refill shop to support and develop a culture of reuse, low waste and low carbon shopping in Bridgnorth with a focus on high quality and healthy food. The donation was welcomed by the Chair of ‘Our Green Shop’ who said ‘Our Green Shop received a significant donation towards the relocation of the shop from Low Town to High Town …increasing the awareness of sustainability in Bridgnorth’

Our Green Shop, Bridgnorth Our Green Shop, Bridgnorth

FRM have also donated to Litter Watch, supported by Sandwell Council and Serco. It is a community led charity, set up to help residents tackle their environmental concerns and report litter problems. Litter Watch said “We greatly appreciate your support and generosity towards our charity. The donation of £1,200 will certainly make a positive impact on our efforts to keep our community clean and litter-free”. Other causes supported by FRM this year include Bridgnorth Pride, Action Medical Research, and Diabetes UK. They look forward to continuing to provide support for local charities and causes both in the West Midlands and further afield, working with clients.

Commenting on the donations, Paul Frith, Managing Director of FRM, said: “All of our project work contributes to the Social Value fund which helps support, environmental and social causes and is a really positive aspect of our activities”

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