FRM support Councils in a variety of capacities from ad-hoc advice on procurement through to full technical adviser roles.

For Councils we prepare procurement strategies, undertake benchmarking, conduct soft market testing (on all facets of environmental services), develop specifications / contract documentation, address clarifications / dialogue and review bids. We also provide a lighter touch approach in a critical friend role, where the client takes the lead and we provide tailored support on specific areas, or as a whole-process overview.

Our team has a strong background in waste collection, recycling, treatment, carbon and strategy issues, together with street cleansing services, to complement the procurement service.

You can read our capability statement here: Procurement Capability Statement

Case Study

Leicestershire County Council
Project Title:
Procurement Assistance
Project Summary:

FRM is supporting Leicestershire County Council in the procurement of two specialist waste-related contracts: collection and treatment of plasterboard from HWRCs; and servicing and maintenance of compaction equipment at HWRCs. We have carried out market testing, which we used to inform the preparation of the Invitation to Tender documents, developed the evaluation models, and will take the lead on evaluating the submitted tenders. Our team has provided procurement support to Leicestershire County Council on several occasions over the last 8-9 years, including: MRF services, HWRC re-use offtake contracts, and specialist waste collection and treatment services.

Key Words:
Procurement, Waste Treatment, HWRC

I would have no hesitation in recommending Frith Resource Management (FRM) as a ‘Critical Friend’ for the procurement of local authority waste collection and street cleansing contracts. FRM’s expertise added real value to the suite of tender documentation which resulted in the successful procurement of two high quality, value for money contracts.

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Pro-active and deep technical knowledge as well as understanding of the context for the review (i.e. procurement exercise). Very flexible in providing options for the client and in reacting quickly to information provided relatively late by the contractor.


The support provided by FRM and Associates was exceptional, timely and consistent. There is a very high level of expertise within the organisation, and through the Associates the organisation works with. This is of significant benefit to the client organisation and the hand holding approach taken provides a useful learning and development opportunity for the local authority staff involved in the project.

Tower Hamlets London Borough Council